The Shadow-Self

The Shadow-Self

I think the shadow-self can be described in a number of ways by people who have different approaches to life, for example, you may well find other explanations for the shadow-self in science, religion or spiritualism. The approach I personally like to use in my books...
How to meditate and visualise sucessfully

How to meditate and visualise sucessfully

  Your spiritual work will be greatly improved if you know how to meditate and visualise properly. Meditation Meditation lowers our brainwave activity so that our mental chatter subsides, and we are better able to relax. This means that we learn to lower our...
The four stages of consciousness

The four stages of consciousness

‘The higher self struggles to find its way through the web of human thought.’ J . Henderson   Instinctual consciousness  The first stage has to be Instinctual consciousness. This is the mark of early man who had not yet achieved self-awareness and acted purely on...


‘We normally keep our minds so busy that we fail to hear the passing whispers of angels’   Contemplation is a technique in which we open our minds to incoming impressions, inspirational guidance or answers to problems or questions which we set ourselves. It is...
What exactly is MINDFULNESS?

What exactly is MINDFULNESS?

            Most of us go through life making decisions based on our past experiences without being really mindful of all the issues involved. This can lead to the stereotyping of people and situations and us not always taking the best course of action.           What...
The question of life after death

The question of life after death

So what is consciousness? Our human consciousness could be seen as a conscious state which allows us to realise that we are alive and to think, reason and see what we experience as reality. However, it can also give us a clue to answering the important question of...