What makes me different from other mentors and coaches?
I am registered with the South African Board for People-Practice as a chartered professional in learning and development (CHRP 5049). This means that having a PhD in Psychology as well as SETA qualifications in learning faciliatation (US 117871) and outcomes–based assessments (US 115753), I offer a properly structured, scientifically-based approach to learning and development. What sets my approach apart from that of other motivational coaches or speakers, is that I tailor my approach to each person and also work on a subconscious level to change self-limiting programs and beliefs.
Here are the different ways I can help you:
- Mindfulness
- Personal development
- Emotional intelligence
- Critical thinking
- Intuitive/spiritual development
- Lay-counselling
- Trauma Counselling
Mindfulness can be described as a state of mind in which the person becomes more acutely aware of himself, his true potential and the real issues facing him (or her). Scientific research has shown many benefits of mindfulness programmes both in business and personal development. Developing mindfulness usually means coaching clients to reach a new understanding of themselves, their circumstances and their options in life, as well as training them in new skills designed to improve mental focus, thinking and creativity. This involves exercises in self-exploration and self-insight using special techniques such as auto-suggestion and meditation in order to change subconscious self-limiting programs and beliefs. This allows the person to more freely express his or her latent abilities and to open him or herself to new levels of self-understanding, inspiration and creativity. Increased mindfulness will empower persons in any field, including students, business leaders and other professionals.
Personal development
Development can take place in many areas of a person’s life, including one’s level of mindfulness, self-insight, emotional wellness, critical thinking and moral or spiritual ethics and values.
Personal development will mean first helping clients do a self-evaluation and then later assisting them in those areas in which they feel they need guidance. Once again, this could be done simply through coaching or by teaching them new skills to improve their mindfulness, thinking, emotional wellness, relationships and decision-making abilities.
Emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence (EI), is the ability to correctly identify your own emotions and those of others. It also means that you have the ability to harness and express your emotions in a positive way and apply them in your decision-making and business or personal dealings with others. Finally, emotional intelligence means developing empathy for others, which improves your personal and business relationships. Studies have shown that people with a high emotional intelligence (EI) have better health, work performance and leadership skills. EI is therefore becoming very important in a world in which success in business, as well as your personal life, depends on your ability to show understanding, to express empathy for others and to have good relationships.
When mentoring in emotional intelligence, I coach clients in getting in touch with their own feelings, recognising the feelings of others as well as self-transformation using exercises in mindfulness, listening and communication skills. Mentoring in EI will be great for businessmen, sales executives and managers, those in the helping professions such as caregivers, nurses and teachers, as well as counsellors and mental health professionals. It will also be useful for employees providing support to others in companies using Employee Assistance Programs, workers in state-owned companies, as well as private-sector businesses. Mentoring in emotional intelligence is also recommended for anyone interested in self-development and personal transformation.
Critical thinking
Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally about what to do or what to believe. This is important in this modern world of the internet and social media, in which the information being provided is often inaccurate or misleading. In this regard, I teach clients to approach the world with a healthy scepticism and think independently and critically, to recognise inconsistencies and common mistakes in reasoning, to cut through the ‘hype’, to uncover hidden agendas and to approach problems logically and systematically. Mentoring in critical thinking is highly recommended for business leaders and professionals, university students, journalists as well as persons who simply wish to improve their thinking and reasoning abilities.
Intuitive/spiritual development
For those who are seeking an understanding of spiritual and ethical principles, I offer mentoring in intuitive and spiritual development. Once again, this will be personally tailored to your framework of thinking and your belief system, whether it is secular, religious or spiritual. I adopt a holistic approach in which various approaches are presented and discussed and you are free to choose your own path. I will also offer guidance in meditation, visualisation and intuitive techniques and how to access and harness the power of your subconscious mind in your inner development.
I am a trained Lifeline counsellor with many years of practical experience which I am able to share during workshops, talks or training sessions. The skills and counselling procedure offered is based on my book ‘A comprehensive guide to Crisis Counselling’ which has been a best seller on Amazon and is extensively used by Lifeline counsellors. Lay-counselling deals with the everyday crises facing people, such as problems at work, in relationships, divorce, loneliness and abandonment, substance abuse, finances and being victims of crime. This training will be useful to aspiring lay-counsellors attached to various N.G.Os, volunteers working at trauma centres at police stations, persons employed in companies which offer employee assistance programmes, government service employees working with children and people in need of support such as teachers or nurses, as well as hospice workers and carers for the elderly and infirmed. This training will teach them the correct ethical approach and give them the necessary counselling skills to offer proper support.
Trauma counselling
I have also received extensive training in trauma counselling through ABSA and have completed a post-graduate certificate in trauma counselling with Psych-Action, Johannesburg. As a result I am also able to offer trauma counselling training to lay-counsellors, trauma centre volunteers, employee assistance programme workers, and those who work with death and the dying on a everyday basis, such as paramedics and hospice workers. Trauma counselling is different from crisis counselling in that it deals with persons who have been severely traumatised due to being victims of serious and violent crime, natural disasters or have faced death in other ways.